ZTS, also known as Plastyk, is an acclaimed manufacturer of model kits and specialty toys. The company is particularly renowned for its diverse range of miniature military replicas, making it a hit with enthusiasts of historical military equipment. From sleek aircraft models to intricate depictions of ground battle machinery, this brand offers it all for the discerning collector. ZTS's creations enthrall both young, imaginative minds, but also the seasoned veterans of model collection.
ZTS Plastyk was established in 1957 in Poland, pioneered by a team of individuals passionate about creating miniature marvels. Over the years, it has cemented its place in the heart of model collectors. ZTS managed to weather turbulent economic environments and societal changes, while continuously improving and expanding their product range. Although starting initially with model kits, the brand later expanded its offerings to more generalized toys as well. It still retains its vintage charm, while keeping up to date with the latest designing and manufacturing technologies.