Micro Models
Micro Models is a renowned toy brand famous for its intricately detailed small-scale diecast vehicles. The collection is loved by collectors for its wide array of cars, trucks, and commercial vehicles that recapture the charm of yesteryears automobiles. The brand was celebrated for the impressive details of the miniature models, which found a balance between realistic depictions and fun, colorful designs. Micro Models, indeed, delivers a trip down nostalgia lane with every shimmering, palm-sized car.
Micro Models was born in the heartland of toy manufacturing, Auckland, New Zealand in the 1950s. Founded by George and Jack Tear, the brand cultivated a continuing legacy of producing meticulously designed toy cars. Interestingly, the brand shifted production to Australia in the mid-195s, continuing its success. It indeed brings back the stories of toy industries' historic global spread and adoption. And as we journey through the annals of toys history, Micro Models continues to have a special place.