ET, or more accurately, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, is a globally beloved toy brand based on the classic science fiction movie of the same name released in 1982. The brand offers a wide range of products, including action figures, puzzles, dolls, and even board games. Known for their vintage charm and high level of collectibility, E.T. toys represent a journey back in time, transporting collectors into the magical universe of one of Spielberg's most iconic creations.
The history of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial toys mirrors the success of the film itself. The movie was released on June 11, 1982, by Universal Pictures. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Melissa Mathison. As the film's popularity skyrocketed, the demand for merchandise led to the creation of E.T. toys. These toys were produced by various companies globally, including the famous American manufacturer, LJN. One of the most interesting facts about these toys is that they were so well-loved that even a kind of E.T. mania ensued. Many kids in the 80s would remember having at least one E.T. toy in their collection, highlighting the cultural impact the brand had.