Dittmar is a spectacular toy brand renowned for its intricate and exquisitely crafted miniature railway models. The German brand specializes in bringing the timelessness of vintage locomotives to life, meticulously replicating every detail. From the steam engine's charm to modern train's sophistication, Dittmar has it all, making it a treasure trove for railway enthusiasts and collectors alike.
The journey of Dittmar started in 1952 in the bustling city of Nuremberg, Germany, known as the "toy city”. It was founded by Heinrich Dittmar, a master craftsman who married his deep passion for trains and exceptional talent for crafting miniature models. Dittmar swiftly rose to fame for its accuracy and authenticity in translating the real-life wonders of the railway onto a miniature scale. An interesting fact about Dittmar is, despite its small size, the brand became respected around the world among miniature railway enthusiasts for its absolute adherence to quality and authenticity.