British Flyer
British Flyer was a product of the American toy train producer American Flyer, aimed at the British market.
British Flyer was a product of American Flyer, aimed at the UK market shortly after the First World War. British Flyer is mentioned and illustrated by Allen Levy in a Century of Model Trains, by Ron McCrindell in Toy Trains and by Pierce Carlson in Toy Trains, a History, while Alan Cliff wrote about it in his Annotated List of British Manufacturers of 0 Gauge. Levy dates it at circa 1920, while Carlson dates it at 1922 and McCrindell calls it English Flyer and dates it around 1925, which is incorrect. The sets shown by Levy, Carlson and McCrindell all have a tender numbered 120 on the sides and mounted on frames used by American Flyer from circa 1919-1922, while the coaches have frames used by AF from circa 1921-1925. The loco which went with this coach and tender was a cast-iron clockwork tank (!) loco with GNR cast into the sides; there also was a GNR Mail Van. The coaches are very nicely lithographed in a teak colour. The loco and coaches were specifically designed for the British market, while the tender was a standard AF product of the period. Carlson lists the make under British manufacturers, but the ends of the coach clearly state “Made in USA”. Probably not more than two batches of British Flyer were made, as it failed to attract Britih buyers. British Flyer was sold in Britain by Gamages in London, but apparently only in 1921-1922.