Sebela tank wagon

Former Czechoslavakia boasted of a number of 0 gauge tinplate train manufacturers, of which Merkur probably is best known. Almost forgotten however is Karel Šebela who started making electric 0 gauge trains in 1946. He produced a 2-4-2 loco with eight-wheel tender, bogie coaches finished in light geen, dark green...

Brimtoy Lloyd George

Brimtoy originally started out in 1914 as the British Metal and Toy Manufacturers (BMTM), which got into financial difficulties in 1921. The tradename used was Brimtoy and when the BMTM was wound up in November 1921, production was continued by a new company, simply called Brimtoy Ltd. In 1932 Brimtoy...

Lionel paper train

When the USA entered the 2nd World War, the government put restrictions on the use of various metals, which put an end to the production of metal toys. Lionel thereupon hired a designer of novelties such as cereal and soft drink premiums, Samuel Gold, to design an alternative product not...

Happy New Year – 2023

The entire KallisToys Team wishes you a prosperous New Year! We are thrilled to show you all the developments we have been working on behind the scenes soon. Is there anything in particular you would like to see at KallisToys in 2023? Let us know via! KallisToys - Happy...



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