Brimtoy originally started out in 1914 as the British Metal and Toy Manufacturers (BMTM), which got into financial difficulties in 1921. The tradename used was Brimtoy and when the BMTM was wound up in November 1921, production was continued by a new company, simply called Brimtoy Ltd. In 1932 Brimtoy...
Lionel paper train
When the USA entered the 2nd World War, the government put restrictions on the use of various metals, which put an end to the production of metal toys. Lionel thereupon hired a designer of novelties such as cereal and soft drink premiums, Samuel Gold, to design an alternative product not...
The Hornby Gunpowder Van
From 1922 till 1940 Hornby offered Gunpowder Vans in their 0 gauge range. The first one appeared in 1922 and was lettered LNWR (London and North Western Railway). This one was also available in 1923, but in that year the so-called Grouping of railway companies in Great Britain took place...
Himalya Toys Shell Tanker
Himalya Toys Shell tanker This tinplate Shell tank car, fitted with plastic wheels and a clockwork mechanisme driving the rear axle, carries on the rear the legend Himalya Toys, with what looks like a goose above it and the letters TH in a circle below it. On the bumper it...